1. Introduction
User agents expose powerful features to web sites, which are features that are important to some use cases, but can be easily abused. The arguably canonical example of such a powerful feature is camera access, which is essential to many use cases like online meetups, but unsolicited camera activation would be a major privacy issue. To handle this, user agents use permissions to ask the user whether they wish for a particular access to be allowed or not.
These permission requests began as a fairly direct passthrough: A site would ask for some capability and the user agent immediately prompts the user to make a decision for the request. Meanwhile, spam and abuse have forced user agents to take a more opinionated approach to protect users' security, privacy, and attention. The status quo is that users get a multitude of permission requests, where it’s oftentimes unclear to users what the consequences of these requests might be.
This spec introduces a new mechanism that requests access to powerful features through an in-page element, with built-in protections against abuse. This wants to tie permission requests to the actual context in which they will be used, thus reducing "permission spam" and at the same time providing implementations with a better signal of user intent.
2. The permission
- Categories:
- Flow content.
- Phrasing content.
- Interactive content.
- Palpable content.
- Phrasing content.
- Contexts in which this element can be used:
- Where phrasing content is expected.
- Content model:
- Nothing.
- Content attributes:
- Global attributes
— Type of permission this element applies to.isValid
— query whether the element can currently be activated.invalidReason
— Return a string representation of why the element currently cannot be activated.ondismiss
— notifies when the user has dismissed the permission prompt.onresolve
— notifies when a permission prompt has been answered by the user (positively or negatively).onvalidationstatuschange
— notifies when the validation status changes. - Accessibility considerations:
- DOM interface:
Exposed =Window ]interface
:HTMLPermissionElement HTMLElement { [HTMLConstructor ]
(); [constructor CEReactions ,Reflect ]attribute DOMString
;type readonly attribute boolean isValid ;readonly attribute PermissionElementBlockerReason invalidReason ;attribute EventHandler
;onresolve attribute EventHandler
;ondismiss attribute EventHandler
; };onvalidationstatuschange
Add accessibility considerations.
Check attribute & event handler & invalid reason names against current proposal(s).
The type
attribute controls the behavior of the
permission element when it is activated. Is is an enumerated attribute,
whose values are the names of powerful features. It
has neither a missing value default state nor a invalid value default state.
The isValid
attribute reflects whether a the
permission element is not currently blocked.
The invalidReason
attribute is an enumerated attribute that reflects the internal state of the permission
element. It’s value set are PermissionElementBlockerReason
The global lang attribute is observed by the permission
element to select localized text.
The following are the event handlers (and their corresponding event handler event types) that must be supported on permission
elements event handler IDL attributes:
onresolve | Event |
ondismiss | Event |
onvalidationstatuschange | Event |
onvalidationstatuschange is probably not a simple Event.
2.1. permission
element internal state
The permission
element represents a user-requestable permission,
which the user can activate to enable (or disable) a particular permission or
set of permissions. It is core to the permission
element that these
requests are triggered by the user, and not by the page’s script. To enforce
this, the element checks whether the activation event is trusted
. Additionally it watches a number of conditions, like whether the element is
(partially) occluded, or if it has recently been moved. The element maintains
an internal [[BlockerList]]
to keep track of this.
The permission
element has the following internal slots:
is a list of records, containing a blocker timestamp and a blocker reason. The blocker reason is aPermissionElementBlockerReason
, but not the empty string. -
is a reference to anIntersectionObserver
. -
is null or an ordered set of powerful features. Null represents the uninitialized state, which allows the value to be modified. The empty list «[]» is the state in which no permission applies, and which will no longer allow modification. Note that thetype
property reflects this internal state. -
is aDOMRectReadOnly
that stores the most recently seen intersection, i.e. the position of thepermission
relative to the viewport.
2.2. permission
-supporting state at the navigable
In order to support the permission
element, the navigable maintains
an ordered set of permission
elements, [[PermissionElements]]
. This ordered set is used to evaluate the blockers of type unsuccesful_registration
2.3. permission
element interesting behaviours
The permission
element has a few surprising behaviours, to support its
security properties:
2.3.1. The type
The permission type cannot be modified. Modifying the permission type at will
may lead to user confusion, and hence we’d like to prevent it. Since, however,
a page may create a permission
element dynamically we still need to offer
an API to modify it. To do do, we distinguish between a freshly initialized and
an empty or invalid (no permission) state, where the former allows setting the
type and the latter does not.
// Changing a valid type: var pepc= document. createElement( "permission" ); pepc. type= "camera" ; // Okay. pepc. type; // "camera". pepc. type= "geolocation" ; // Not okay. Would have been okay as initial assignment. pepc. type; // "camera". Reflects the internal state, which has not changed. // Setting an invalid type: pepc= document. createElement( "permission" ); pepc. type= "icecream" ; // Ice cream is not a powerful browser feature. Not okay. pepc. type; // "". Reflects the internal state. pepc. type= "camera" ; // Still Not okay, because type as already been set. // Would have been okay as initial assignment. pepc. type; // "". Reflects the internal state, which has not changed.
getter steps are:
is null: Return""
. -
Return a string, containing the concatenation of all powerful feature names in
, seperated by " ".
setter steps are:
is not null: Return. -
to «[]». -
Parse the input as a string of powerful feature names, seperated by whitespace.
If any errors occured, return.
Check if the set of powerful features is supported for the
by the user agent. If not, return. -
Append each powerful feature name to the
ordered set.
Note: The supported sets of powerful features is implementation-defined.
2.3.2. Activation blockers
The key goal of the permission
element is to reflect a user’s conscious
choice, and we need to make sure the user cannot easily be tricked into
activating it. To do so, the permission
maintains a list of blocker reasons,
which may - permanently or temporarily - prevent the element from being
enum {
PermissionElementBlockerReason , // No blocker reason.
"" ,
"type_invalid" ,
"illegal_subframe" ,
"unsuccesful_registration" ,
"recently_attached" ,
"intersection_changed" ,
"intersection_out_of_viewport_or_clipped" ,
"intersection_occluded_or_distorted" };
The permission element keeps track of "blockers", reasons why the element (currently) cannot be activated. These blockers come with three lifetimes: Permanent, temporary, and expiring.
- Permanent blocker
Once an element has a permanent blocker, it will be disabled permanently. There are used for issues that the website owner is expected to fix. An example is a
element inside afencedframe
. - Temporary blocker
This is a blocker that will only be valid until the blocking condition no no longer occurs. An example is a
element that is not currently in view. All temporary blockers turn into expiring blockers once the condition no longer applies. - Expiring blocker
This is a blocker that is only valid for a fixed period of time. This is used to block abuse scenarios like "click jacking". An example is a
element that has recently been moved.
Blocker name | Blocker type | Example condition | Order hint |
| permanent | When an unsupported permission type has been
| 1 |
| permanent | When the permission element is used inside a fencedframe .
| 2 |
| temporary | When too many other permission elements for the same powerful feature have been inserted into the same document.
| 3 |
| expiring | When the permission element has just been attached to the
| 4 |
| expiring | When the permission element is being moved.
| 6 |
| temporary | When the permission element is not or not fully in the viewport.
| 7 |
| temporary | When the permission element is fully in the viewport,
but still not fully visible (e.g. because it’s partly behind other content).
| 8 |
| temporary | 9 |
reason and an optional flag expires:
Assert: reason is not
. (The empty string inPermissionElementBlockerReason
signals no blocker is present. Why would you add a non-blocking blockern empty string?) -
Let timestamp be None.
If expires, then let timestamp be current high resolution time plus the blocker delay.
Append an entry to the internal
with reason and timestamp.
Assert: reason is listed as "expiring" in the blocker reason table.
Add a blocker with reason and true.
Assert: reason is listed as "temporary" in the blocker reason table.
Add a blocker with reason and false.
Assert: reason is listed as "permanent" in the blocker reason table.
Add a blocker with reason and false.
reason from an element:
Assert: reason is listed as "temporary" in the blocker reason table.
For each entry in element’s
If entry’s reason equals reason, then remove entry from element’s
Add a blocker with reason and true.
element’s blocker:
Let blockers be the result of sorting element’s
with the blocker ordering algorithm. -
If blockers is not empty and blockers[0] is blocking, then return blockers[0].
Return nothing.
Let really large number be 99.
Assert: No order hint in the blocker reason table is equal to or greater than really large number.
If a is blocking, then let a hint be the order hint of a’s reason in the blocker reason table, otherwise let a hint be really large number.
If b is blocking, then let b hint be the order hint of b’s reason in the blocker reason table, otherwise let b hint be really large number.
Return whether a hint is less than or equal to b hint.
’s blocker list’s entry is blocking if:
entry has no blocker timestamp,
or entry has a blocker timestamp, and the blocker timestamp is greater or equal to the current high resolution time.
NOTE: The spec maintains blockers as a list [[BlockerList]]
, which may
potentially grow indefinitely (since some blocker types simply expire,
but are not removed).
This structure is chosen for the simplicity of explanation, rather than for
efficiency. The details of this blocker structure are not observable except
for a handful of algorithms defined here, which should open plenty of
opportunities for implementations to handle this more efficiently.
2.4. permission
element algorithms
constructor steps are:
Initialize the internal
slot to null. -
Initialize the internal
to «[]».
insertion steps are:
Initialize the internal
to «[]». -
Initialize the internal
with undefined. -
Initialize the internal
with the result of constructing a newIntersectionObserver
, with IntersectionObserver callback. -
.observe(this). -
is empty, then add a permanent blocker with reasontype_invalid
. -
If this is not type permissible, then add a temporary blocker with
. -
Add an expiring blocker with reason
. -
If the traversable navigable of the node navigable of this is a fenced navigable, then add a permanent blocker with
removing steps are:
getter steps are:
Return whether element’s blocker is Nothing.
getter steps are:
element’s activation behavior given event is:
If event.
is false, then return. -
If element.
is false, then return. -
Request permission to use the powerful features named in element’s
and runs the following steps:
Assert: The
is the document -
Let entries be the value of the first callback parameter, the list of
intersection observer entries
. -
Let entry be entries’s last item.
If entry.
, then: -
If entry.
>= 1, then:-
Let reason be
Let reason be
Add a temporary blocker with reason.
does not equal entry.intersectionRect
then add an expiring blocker withintersection_changed
. -
to entry.intersectionRect
Assert: element’s node navigable’s
contains element. -
Let count be 0.
For each current in element’s node navigable’s
If current is element, then break.
If the intersection of element.
with current.[[Types]]
is not empty, then increment count by 1.
Return whether count is less than 2.
For each current in document’s
If current is type permissible, then remove blockers with
from current.
3. Rendering the permission
The permission
element is a non-devolvable widget and is chiefly
rendered like a button
. The button label is largely expected to be
determined by the browser, rather than the page, and reflects the powerful features listed in [[Types]]
, expressed as text and icons.
The page can influence the permission
element’s styling, but with
constraints to prevent abuse (e.g. minimum and maximum sizes for fonts and
the label itself). The page can also select a locale for the text via the lang
3.1. Presentation
There isn’t much precedence for describing the user agent UI in detail. It may be better to leave more freedom to user agents.
The permission
element contains browser-chosen content, text and maybe an
icon. Activating it will prompt the user to choose.
This provides two bits of user interface that a user can interact with.
The user agent is largely free to determine these — rendering of the permission
element and the subsequent permission
prompt — in whichever way it thinks best convey’s the element’s intent.
UI options for the permission
element’s presentation include:
Name the powerful features listed in
, in the language indicated by the language of the element. Note that this would always be the language indicated by thelang
attribute, if present. -
An icon indicating the powerful feature type or types.
The current permission state of the powerful feature in questions. For example, if the permission is already
, thepermission
element might be labeled as "geolocation already in use". -
A modal prompt with a "scrim". (I.e., darkening out the page behind the prompt.) This would normally quite disruptive. But here our goal is to ensure a user means to make this choice.
User agents are encouraged to name or describe the powerful features in a way that’s consistent with similar usage in program or the platform it is running on.
Very non-normative examples might be:
<permission lang="de" types="geolocation">
: "Standort verwenden". -
<permission types="microphone">
(in an English language page): "Use microphone. 🎤". -
Upon activiating
<permission types="microphone">
, when the corresponding permission state isdenied
, modify the text to "Continue blocking".
3.2. Styling
A permission
element constrains the styling that can be applied to it.
These constraints come in three flavours:
If the condition isn’t met, the
element in deactivated. -
A user-agent defined stylesheet enforces certain styling.
The user-agent enforces bounds on additional styles, where the bounds cannot be easily expressed in CSS. For example, if the style bounds are expressed relative to the computed style of the element.
3.2.1. Conditions that Deactivate the Element
If one of these conditions is not met, then a temporary blocker is added with type style_invalid
'color', 'background-color' | Set by default to the user agent’s default button colors.
The contrast ratio between the 2 colors needs to be at least 3.
Alpha has to be 1.
'font-size' |
If specified value is expressed as <relative-size>:
3.2.2. User-Agent Defined Stylesheet
A permission
element is expected to render with the following styles:
@namespace "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" ; permission{ opacity : 1.0 ; line-height : normal; whitespace : nowrap; user-select : none; appearance : auto; }
3.2.3. Additional User-Agent Defined Style Bounds
A permission
element defines several bounds on styles. For example, we want
the font size are constraints on the The style bounds are explained below.
For notational convenience, we imagine that the computed value of an element
could be accessed in CSS rules with computed
, just like the
inherited value of an element can via the inherit
Then the following sheet expresses the style bounds:
@namespace "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" ; permission{ outline-offset : clamp ( 0 , computed, none); /* No negative outline-offsets. */ font-weight:clamp ( 200 , computed, none); /* No font-weights below 200. */ word-spacing:clamp ( 0 , computed, 0.5 em ); /* Word-spacing between 0..0.5em */ letter-spacing:clamp ( -0.05 em , commputed, 0.2 em ); /* Letter spacing between -0.05..0.2em */ min-height:clamp ( 1 em , computed, none); max-height : clamp ( none, computed, 3 em ); min-width : clamp ( none, computed, calc ( fit-content)); margin : clamp ( 4 px , computed, none); font-style : if ( computed ="normal" or computed ="italic" , computed, "normal" ); display : if( computed ="inline-block" or computed ="none" , computed, "inline-block" ); }
Additionally, some rules apply based on conditions not easily expressible as CSS.
If height is auto
, then apply:
@namespace "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" ; permission{ padding-top : clamp ( 1 em , computed, none); padding-bottom : calc ( padding-top); }
If width is auto
, then apply:
@namespace "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" ; permission{ padding-left : clamp ( none, computed, 5 em ); padding-right : calc ( padding-left); }
Apply the followinf sheet, if the element does not have all of the following:
A border width of at least
, -
a color to background-color contrast ratio of at least 3,
and alpha of 1.
@namespace "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" ; permission{ max-width : clamp ( none, computed, calc ( 3 * fit-content)); }