
Draft Community Group Report,

This version:
Dominic Farolino (Google)
GitHub WICG/observable (new issue, open issues)
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Test Suite:


The Observable API provides a composable, ergonomic way of handling an asynchronous stream of events

Status of this document

This specification was published by the Web Platform Incubator Community Group. It is not a W3C Standard nor is it on the W3C Standards Track. Please note that under the W3C Community Contributor License Agreement (CLA) there is a limited opt-out and other conditions apply. Learn more about W3C Community and Business Groups.

1. Introduction

This section is non-normative.

2. Core infrastructure

2.1. The Subscriber interface

interface Subscriber {
  undefined next(any value);
  undefined error(any error);
  undefined complete();
  undefined addTeardown(VoidFunction teardown);

  // True after the Subscriber is created, up until either
  // complete()/error() are invoked, or the subscriber unsubscribes. Inside
  // complete()/error(), this attribute is true.
  readonly attribute boolean active;

  readonly attribute AbortSignal signal;

Each Subscriber has a next algorithm, which is a next steps-or-null.

Each Subscriber has a error algorithm, which is an error steps-or-null.

Each Subscriber has a complete algorithm, which is a complete steps-or-null.

Each Subscriber has a teardown callbacks, which is a list of VoidFunctions, initially empty.

Each Subscriber has a complete or error controller, which is an AbortController.

Each Subscriber has a signal, which is an AbortSignal.

Note: This is a dependent signal, derived from both complete or error controller's signal, and SubscribeOptions's signal (if non-null).

Each Subscriber has a active boolean, initially true.

Note: This is a bookkeeping variable to ensure that a Subscriber never calls any of the callbacks it owns after it has been closed.

The active getter steps are to return this's active boolean.

The signal getter steps are to return this's signal.

The next(value) method steps are:
  1. If this's relevant global object is a Window object, and its associated Document is not fully active, then return.

  2. If this's next algorithm is not null, then run this's next algorithm given value.

    Assert: No exception was thrown.

    Note: No exception can be thrown here because in the case where next algorithm is just a wrapper around a script-provided callback, the process observer steps take care to wrap these callbacks in logic that, when invoking them, catches any exceptions, and reports them to the global.

    When the next algorithm is a spec algorithm, those steps take care to not throw any exceptions outside of itself, to appease this assert.

The error(error) method steps are:
  1. If this's relevant global object is a Window object, and its associated Document is not fully active, then return.

  2. Let error algorithm be this's error algorithm.

  3. Close this.

  4. Signal abort this's complete or error controller.

  5. If error algorithm is not null, then run error algorithm given error.

    Assert: No exception was thrown.

    Note: See the documentation in next() for details on why this is true.

  6. Otherwise (i.e., when error algorithm is null), report the exception error.

The complete() method steps are:
  1. If this's relevant global object is a Window object, and its associated Document is not fully active, then return.

  2. Let complete algorithm be this's complete algorithm.

  3. Close this.

  4. Signal abort this's complete or error controller.

  5. If complete algorithm is not null, then run complete algorithm.

    Assert: No exception was thrown.

    Note: See the documentation in next() for details on why this is true.

The addTeardown(teardown) method steps are:
  1. If this's relevant global object is a Window object, and its associated Document is not fully active, then return.

  2. If this's active is true, then append teardown to this's teardown callbacks list.

  3. Otherwise, invoke teardown.

    If an exception E was thrown, then report the exception E.

To close a subscription given a Subscriber subscriber, run these steps:
  1. Set subscriber’s active boolean to false.

  2. Set subscriber’s next algorithm, error algorithm, and complete algorithm all to null.

This algorithm intentionally does not have script-running side-effects; it just updates the internal state of a Subscriber. It’s important that this algorithm sets active to false and clears all of the callback algorithms before running any script, because running script may reentrantly invoke one of the methods that closed the subscription in the first place. And closing the subscription must ensure that even if a method gets reentrantly invoked, none of the SubscriptionObserver callbacks are ever invoked again. Consider this example:

let innerSubscriber = null;
const producedValues = [];

const controller = new AbortController();
const observable = new Observable(subscriber => {
  innerSubscriber = subscriber;

  next: v => producedValues.push(v),
  complete: () => innerSubscriber.next('from complete'),

  }, {signal: controller.signal}

// This invokes the complete() callback, and even though it invokes next() from
// within, the given next() callback will never run, because the subscription
// has already been "closed" before the complete() callback actually executes.
console.assert(producedValues.length === 0);

2.2. The Observable interface

// SubscribeCallback is where the Observable "creator’s" code lives. It’s
// called when subscribe() is called, to set up a new subscription.
callback SubscribeCallback = undefined (Subscriber subscriber);
callback SubscriptionObserverCallback = undefined (any value);

dictionary SubscriptionObserver {
  SubscriptionObserverCallback next;
  SubscriptionObserverCallback error;
  VoidFunction complete;

typedef (SubscriptionObserverCallback or SubscriptionObserver) ObserverUnion;

dictionary SubscribeOptions {
  AbortSignal signal;

callback Predicate = boolean (any value, unsigned long long index);
callback Reducer = any (any accumulator, any currentValue);
callback Mapper = any (any element, unsigned long long index);
// Differs from Mapper only in return type, since this callback is exclusively
// used to visit each element in a sequence, not transform it.
callback Visitor = undefined (any element, unsigned long long index);

interface Observable {
  constructor(SubscribeCallback callback);
  undefined subscribe(optional ObserverUnion observer = {}, optional SubscribeOptions options = {});

  // Constructs a native Observable from value if it’s any of the following:
  //   - Observable
  //   - AsyncIterable
  //   - Iterable
  //   - Promise
  static Observable from(any value);

  // Observable-returning operators. See "Operators" section in the spec.
  // takeUntil() can consume promises, iterables, async iterables, and other
  // observables.
  Observable takeUntil(any notifier);
  Observable map(Mapper mapper);
  Observable filter(Predicate predicate);
  Observable take(unsigned long long amount);
  Observable drop(unsigned long long amount);
  Observable flatMap(Mapper mapper);
  Observable switchMap(Mapper mapper);
  Observable finally(VoidFunction callback);

  // Promise-returning operators.
  Promise<sequence<any>> toArray(optional SubscribeOptions options = {});
  Promise<undefined> forEach(Visitor callback, optional SubscribeOptions options = {});
  Promise<boolean> every(Predicate predicate, optional SubscribeOptions options = {});
  // Maybe? Promise<any> first(optional SubscribeOptions options = {});
  Promise<any> last(optional SubscribeOptions options = {});
  Promise<any> find(Predicate predicate, optional SubscribeOptions options = {});
  Promise<boolean> some(Predicate predicate, optional SubscribeOptions options = {});
  Promise<any> reduce(Reducer reducer, optional any initialValue, optional SubscribeOptions options = {});

Each Observable has a subscribe callback, which is a SubscribeCallback or a set of steps that take in a Subscriber.

Note: The "union" of these types is to support both Observables created by JavaScript (that are always constructed with a SubscribeCallback), and natively-constructed Observable objects (whose subscribe callback could be an arbitrary set of native steps, not a JavaScript callback). The return value of on() is an example of the latter.

The new Observable(callback) constructor steps are:
  1. Set this's subscribe callback to callback.

    Note: This callback will get invoked later when subscribe() is called.

The subscribe(observer, options) method steps are:
  1. Subscribe to this given observer and options.

2.2.1. Supporting concepts

The default error algorithm is an algorithm that takes an any error, and runs these steps:
  1. Report the exception error.

Note: We pull this default out separately so that every place in this specification that natively subscribes to an Observable (i.e., subscribes from spec prose, not going through the subscribe() method) doesn’t have to redundantly define these steps.

An internal observer is a struct with the following items:

next steps

An algorithm that takes a single parameter of type any. Initially, these steps do nothing.

error steps

An algorithm that takes a single parameter of type any. Initially, the default error algorithm.

complete steps

An algorithm with no parameters. Initially, these steps do nothing.

The internal observer struct is used to mirror the next, error, and complete callback functions. For any Observable that is subscribed by JavaScript via the subscribe() method, these algorithm "steps" will just be a wrapper around invoking the corresponding next, error, and complete callback functions provided by script.

But when internal spec prose (not user script) subscribes to an Observable, these "steps" are arbitrary spec algorithms that are not provided via an ObserverUnion packed with Web IDL callback functions. See the § 2.3.3 Promise-returning operators that make use of this, for example.

To subscribe to an Observable given an ObserverUnion-or-internal observer observer, and a SubscribeOptions options, run these steps:

Note: We split this algorithm out from the Web IDL subscribe() method, so that spec prose can subscribe to an Observable without going through the Web IDL bindings. See w3c/IntersectionObserver#464 for similar context, where "internal" prose must not go through Web IDL bindings on objects whose properties could be mutated by JavaScript. See § 2.3.3 Promise-returning operators for usage of this.

  1. If this's relevant global object is a Window object, and its associated Document is not fully active, then return.

  2. Let internal observer be a new internal observer.

  3. Process observer as follows:

    1. If observer is a SubscriptionObserverCallback
      Set internal observer’s next steps to these steps that take an any value:
      1. Invoke observer with value.

        If an exception E was thrown, then report the exception E.

      If observer is a SubscriptionObserver
      1. If observer’s next is not null, set internal observer’s next steps to these steps that take an any value:

        1. Invoke observer’s next with value.

          If an exception E was thrown, then report the exception E.

      2. If observer’s error is not null, set internal observer’s error steps to these steps that take an any error:

        1. Invoke observer’s error with error.

          If an exception E was thrown, then report the exception E.

      3. If observer’s complete is not null, set internal observer’s complete steps to these steps:

        1. Invoke observer’s complete.

          If an exception E was thrown, then report the exception E.

      If observer is an internal observer
      Set internal observer to observer.
  4. Assert: internal observer’s error steps is either the default error algorithm, or an algorithm that invokes the provided error callback function.

  5. Let subscriber be a new Subscriber, initialized as:

    next algorithm

    internal observer’s next steps

    error algorithm

    internal observer’s error steps

    complete algorithm

    internal observer’s complete steps


    The result of creating a dependent abort signal from the list «subscriber’s complete or error controller's signal, options’s signal if it is non-null», using AbortSignal, and the current realm.

  6. If subscriber’s signal is aborted, then close subscriber.

    Note: This can happen when SubscribeOptions's signal is already aborted.

  7. Otherwise, add the following abort algorithm to subscriber’s signal:

    1. Close subscriber.

    2. For each teardown of subscriber’s teardown callbacks sorted in reverse insertion order:

      1. If subscriber’s relevant global object is a Window object, and its associated Document is not fully active, then abort these steps.

        Note: This step runs repeatedly because each teardown could result in the above Document becoming inactive.

      2. Invoke teardown.

        If an exception E was thrown, call subscriber’s error() method with E.

  8. If this's subscribe callback is a SubscribeCallback, invoke it with subscriber.

    If an exception E was thrown, call subscriber’s error() method with E.

  9. Otherwise, run the steps given by this's subscribe callback, given subscriber.


2.3. Operators

For now, see https://github.com/wicg/observable#operators.

2.3.1. from()

Spec the exact semantics of from() conversion.

2.3.2. Observable-returning operators

The takeUntil(notifier) method steps are:
  1. Let sourceObservable be this.

  2. Let observable be a new Observable whose subscribe callback is an algorithm that takes a Subscriber subscriber and does the following:

    Note that this method involves Subscribing to two Observables: (1) notifier, and (2) sourceObservable. We "unsubscribe" from both of them in the following situations:
    1. notifier starts emitting values (either "next" or "error"). In this case, we unsubscribe from notifier since we got all we need from it, and no longer need it to keep producing values. We also unsubscribe from sourceObservable, because it no longer needs to produce values that get plumbed through this method’s returned observable, because we’re manually ending the subscription to observable, since notifier finally produced a value.

    2. sourceObservable either error()s or complete()s itself. In this case, we unsubscribe from notifier since we no longer need to listen for values it emits in order to determine when observable can stop mirroring values from sourceObservable (since sourceObservable ran to completion by itself). Unsubscribing from sourceObservable isn’t necessary, since its subscription has been exhausted by itself.

    1. Let notifierObserver be a new internal observer, initialized as follows:

      next steps

      Run subscriber’s complete() method.

      Note: This will "unsubscribe" from sourceObservable, if it has been subscribed to by this point. This is because sourceObservable is subscribed to with the "outer" subscriber’s signal as an input signal, and that signal will get aborted when the "outer" subscriber’s complete() is called above (and below).

      error steps

      Run subscriber’s complete() method.

      Note: We do not specify complete steps, because if the notifier Observable completes itself, we do not need to complete the subscriber associated with the observable returned from this method. Rather, the observable will continue to mirror sourceObservable uninterrupted.

    2. Let options be a new SubscribeOptions whose signal is subscriber’s signal.

    3. Subscribe to notifier given notifierObserver and options.

    4. If subscriber’s active is false, then return.

      Note: This means that sourceObservable’s subscribe callback will not even get invoked once, if notifier synchronously emits a value. If notifier only "completes" synchronously though (without emitting a "next" or "error" value), then subscriber’s active will still be true, and we proceed to subscribe to sourceObservable, which observable will mirror uninterrupted.

    5. Let sourceObserver be a new internal observer, initialized as follows:

      next steps

      Run subscriber’s next() method, given the passed in value.

      error steps

      Run subscriber’s error() method, given the passed in error.

      complete steps

      Run subscriber’s complete() method.

      Note: sourceObserver is mostly a pass-through, mirroring everything that sourceObservable emits, with the exception of having the ability to unsubscribe from the notifier Observable in the case where sourceObservable is exhausted before notifier emits anything.

    6. Subscribe to sourceObservable given sourceObserver and options.

  3. Return observable.

The map(mapper) method steps are:
  1. Let sourceObservable be this.

  2. Let observable be a new Observable whose subscribe callback is an algorithm that takes a Subscriber subscriber and does the following:

    1. Let idx be an unsigned long long, initially 0.

    2. Let sourceObserver be a new internal observer, initialized as follows:

      next steps
      1. Invoke mapper with the passed in value, and idx, and let mappedValue be the returned value.

        If an exception E was thrown, then run subscriber’s error() method, given E, and abort these steps.

      2. Increment idx.

      3. Run subscriber’s next() method, given mappedValue.

      error steps

      Run subscriber’s error() method, given the passed in error.

      complete steps

      Run subscriber’s complete() method.

    3. Let options be a new SubscribeOptions whose signal is subscriber’s signal.

    4. Subscribe to sourceObservable given sourceObserver and options.

  3. Return observable.

The filter(predicate) method steps are:
  1. Let sourceObservable be this.

  2. Let observable be a new Observable whose subscribe callback is an algorithm that takes a Subscriber subscriber and does the following:

    1. Let idx be an unsigned long long, initially 0.

    2. Let sourceObserver be a new internal observer, initialized as follows:

      next steps
      1. Invoke predicate with the passed in value and idx, and let matches be the returned value.

        If an exception E was thrown, then run subscriber’s error() method, given E, and abort these steps.

      2. Set idx to idx + 1.

      3. If matches is true, then run subscriber’s next() method, given value.

      error steps

      Run subscriber’s error() method, given the passed in error.

      complete steps

      Run subscriber’s complete() method.

    3. Let options be a new SubscribeOptions whose signal is subscriber’s signal.

    4. Subscribe to sourceObservable given sourceObserver and options.

  3. Return observable.

The take(amount) method steps are:
  1. Let sourceObservable be this.

  2. Let observable be a new Observable whose subscribe callback is an algorithm that takes a Subscriber subscriber and does the following:

    1. If amount is 0, then run subscriber’s complete() method and abort these steps.

    2. Let sourceObserver be a new internal observer, initialized as follows:

      next steps
      1. Run subscriber’s next() method with the passed in value.

      2. Decrement amount.

      3. If amount is 0, then run subscriber’s complete() method.

      error steps

      Run subscriber’s error() method, given the passed in error.

      complete steps

      Run subscriber’s complete() method.

    3. Let options be a new SubscribeOptions whose signal is subscriber’s signal.

    4. Subscribe to sourceObservable given sourceObserver and options.

  3. Return observable.

The drop(amount) method steps are:
  1. Let sourceObservable be this.

  2. Let observable be a new Observable whose subscribe callback is an algorithm that takes a Subscriber subscriber and does the following:

    1. Let sourceObserver be a new internal observer, initialized as follows:

      next steps
      1. If amount is > 0, then decrement amount and abort these steps.

      2. Assert: amount is 0.

      3. Run subscriber’s next() method with the passed in value.

      error steps

      Run subscriber’s error() method, given the passed in error.

      complete steps

      Run subscriber’s complete() method.

    2. Let options be a new SubscribeOptions whose signal is subscriber’s signal.

    3. Subscribe to sourceObservable given sourceObserver and options.

  3. Return observable.

The flatMap(mapper) method steps are:
  1. Let sourceObservable be this.

  2. Let observable be a new Observable whose subscribe callback is an algorithm that takes a Subscriber subscriber and does the following:

    1. Let outerSubscriptionHasCompleted to a boolean, initially false.

    2. Let queue be a new list of any values, initially empty.

      Note: This queue is used to store any Observables emitted by sourceObservable, while observable is currently subscribed to an Observable emitted earlier by sourceObservable that has not yet been exhausted.

    3. Let activeInnerSubscription be a boolean, initially false.

    4. Let sourceObserver be a new internal observer, initialized as follows:

      next steps
      1. If activeInnerSubscription is true, then:

        1. Append value to queue.

          Note: This value will eventually be processed once the Observable that is currently subscribed-to (as indicated by activeInnerSubscription) is exhausted.

      2. Otherwise:

        1. Set activeInnerSubscription to true.

        2. Run the flatmap process next value steps with value, subscriber, mapper, and references to all of the following: queue, activeInnerSubscription, and outerSubscriptionHasCompleted.

          Note: This flatmap process next value steps will subscribe to the Observable derived from value (if one such can be derived) and keep processing values from it until its subscription becomes inactive (either by error or completion). If this "inner" Observable completes, then the processing steps will recursively invoke themselves with the next any in queue.

          If no such value exists, then the processing steps will terminate, unsetting activeInnerSubscription, so that future values emitted from sourceObservable are processed correctly.

      error steps

      Run subscriber’s error() method, given the passed in error.

      complete steps
      1. Set outerSubscriptionHasCompleted to true.

        Note: If activeInnerSubscription is true, then the below step will not complete subscriber. In that case, the flatmap process next value steps will be responsible for completing subscriber when queue is empty, after the "inner" subscription becomes inactive.

      2. If activeInnerSubscription is false and queue is empty, run subscriber’s complete() method.

    5. Let options be a new SubscribeOptions whose signal is subscriber’s signal.

    6. Subscribe to sourceObservable given sourceObserver and options.

  3. Return observable.

The flatmap process next value steps, given an any value, a Subscriber subscriber, a Mapper mapper, and references to all of the following: a list of any values queue, a boolean activeInnerSubscription, and a boolean outerSubscriptionHasCompleted:
  1. Let mappedResult be the result of invoking mapper with value.

    If an exception E was thrown, then run subscriber’s error() method, given E, and abort these steps.

  2. Let innerObservable be the result of calling from() with mappedResult.

    If an exception E was thrown, then run subscriber’s error() method, given E, and abort these steps.

    We shouldn’t invoke from() directly. Rather, we should call some internal algorithm that passes-back the exceptions for us to handle properly here, since we want to pipe them to subscriber.

  3. Let innerObserver be a new internal observer, initialized as follows:

    next steps

    Run subscriber’s next() method, given the passed in value.

    error steps

    Run subscriber’s error() method, given the passed in error.

    complete steps
    1. If queue is not empty, then:

      1. Let nextValue be the first item in queue; remove remove this item from queue.

      2. Run flatmap process next value steps given nextValue, subscriber, mapper, and references to queue and activeInnerSubscription.

    2. Otherwise:

      1. Set activeInnerSubscription to false.

        Note: Because activeInnerSubscription is a reference, this has the effect of ensuring that all subsequent values emitted from the "outer" Observable (called sourceObservable.

      2. If outerSubscriptionHasCompleted is true, run subscriber’s complete() method.

        Note: This means the "outer" Observable has already completed, but did not proceed to complete subscriber yet because there was at least one more pending "inner" Observable (i.e., innerObservable) that had already been queued and had not yet completed. Until right now!

  4. Let innerOptions be a new SubscribeOptions whose signal is subscriber’s signal.

  5. Subscribe to innerObservable given innerObserver and innerOptions.

The switchMap(mapper) method steps are:
  1. Let sourceObservable be this.

  2. Let observable be a new Observable whose subscribe callback is an algorithm that takes a Subscriber subscriber and does the following:

    1. Let idx be an unsigned long long, initially 0.

    2. Let outerSubscriptionHasCompleted be a boolean, initially false.

    3. Let activeInnerAbortController be an AbortController-or-null, initially null.

      Note: This AbortController is assigned to a new AbortController only by this algorithm’s next steps (below), and only assigned to null by the switchmap process next value steps, when the "inner" Observable either completes or errors. This variable is used as a marker for whether there is currently an active "inner" subscription. The complete steps below care about this, because if sourceObservable completes while there is an active "inner" subscription, we do not immediately complete subscriber. In that case, subscriber’s completion becomes blocked on the "inner" subscription’s completion.

    4. Let sourceObserver be a new internal observer, initialized as follows:

      next steps
      1. If activeInnerAbortController is not null, then signal abort activeInnerAbortController.

        Note: This "unsubscribes" from the "inner" Observable that was derived from the value that was last pushed from sourceObservable. Then we immediately subscribe to the new Observable that we’re about to derive from value, i.e., the most-recently pushed value from sourceObservable.

      2. Set activeInnerAbortController to a new AbortController.

      3. Run the switchmap process next value steps with value, subscriber, mapper, and references to all of the following: activeInnerAbortController, outerSubscriptionHasCompleted, and idx.

        Note: The switchmap process next value steps will subscribe to the Observable derived from value (if one such can be derived) and keep processing values from it until either (1) its subscription becomes inactive (either by error or completion), or (2) activeInnerAbortController gets aborted, due to sourceObservable pushing another newer value that will replace the current "inner" subscription.

      error steps

      Run subscriber’s error() method, given the passed in error.

      complete steps
      1. Set outerSubscriptionHasCompleted to true.

        Note: If activeInnerAbortController is not null, then we don’t immediately complete subscriber. Instead, the switchmap process next value steps will complete subscriber when the inner subscription finally completes itself.

      2. If activeInnerAbortController is null, run subscriber’s complete() method.

    5. Let options be a new SubscribeOptions whose signal is subscriber’s signal.

    6. Subscribe to sourceObservable given sourceObserver and options.

  3. Return observable.

The switchmap process next value steps, given an any value, a Subscriber subscriber, a Mapper mapper, and references to all of the following: an AbortController activeInnerAbortController, a boolean outerSubscriptionHasCompleted, and an unsigned long long idx are to run these steps:
  1. Let mappedResult be the result of invoking mapper with value and idx.

    If an exception E was thrown, then run subscriber’s error() method, given E, and abort these steps.

  2. Set idx to idx + 1.

  3. Let innerObservable be the result of calling from() with mappedResult.

    If an exception E was thrown, then run subscriber’s error() method, given E, and abort these steps.

  4. Let innerObserver be a new internal observer, initialized as follows:

    next steps

    Run subscriber’s next() method, given the passed in value.

    error steps

    Run subscriber’s error() method, given the passed in error.

    Note: We don’t have to set activeInnerAbortController to null here, to signal to the switchMap() method steps above that the inner "subscription" has been canceled. That’s because calling subscriber’s error() method already unsubscribes from the "outer" source Observable, so it will not be able to push any more values to the switchMap() internal observer.

    complete steps
    1. If outerSubscriptionHasCompleted is true, run subscriber’s complete() method.

    2. Otherwise, set activeInnerAbortController to null.

      Note: Because this variable is a reference, it signals to the switchMap complete steps that there is no active inner subscription.

  5. Let innerOptions be a new SubscribeOptions whose signal is the result of creating a dependent abort signal from the list «activeInnerAbortController’s signal, subscriber’s signal», using AbortSignal, and the current realm.

  6. Subscribe to innerObservable given innerObserver and innerOptions.

The finally(callback) method steps are:
  1. TODO: Spec this and use callback.

2.3.3. Promise-returning operators

The toArray(options) method steps are:
  1. Let p a new promise.

  2. If options’s signal is not null:

    1. If options’s signal is aborted, then:

      1. Reject p with options’s signal's abort reason.

      2. Return p.

    2. Add the following abort algorithm to options’s signal:

      1. Reject p with options’s signal's abort reason.

      Note: All we have to do here is reject p. Note that the subscription to this Observable will also be canceled automatically, since the "inner" signal (created during subscription) is a dependent signal of options’s signal.

  3. Let values be a new list.

  4. Let observer be a new internal observer, initialized as follows:

    next steps

    Append the passed in value to values.

    error steps

    Reject p with the passed in error.

    complete steps

    Resolve p with values.

  5. Subscribe to this given observer and options.

  6. Return p.

The forEach(callback, options) method steps are:
  1. Let p a new promise.

  2. Let visitor callback controller be a new AbortController.

  3. Let internal options be a new SubscribeOptions whose signal is the result of creating a dependent abort signal from the list «visitor callback controller’s signal, options’s signal if non-null», using AbortSignal, and the current realm.

    Many trivial internal observers act as pass-throughs, and do not control the subscription to the Observable that they represent; that is, their error steps and complete steps are called when the subscription is terminated, and their next steps simply pass some version of the given value along the chain.

    For this operator, however, the below observer’s next steps are responsible for actually aborting the underlying subscription to this, in the event that callback throws an exception. In that case, the SubscribeOptions's signal we pass through to "Subscribe to an Observable", needs to be a dependent signal derived from options’s signal, and the AbortSignal of an AbortController that the next steps below has access to, and can signal abort when needed.

  4. If internal options’s signal is aborted, then:

    1. Reject p with internal options’s signal's abort reason.

    2. Return p.

  5. Add the following abort algorithm to internal options’s signal:

    1. Reject p with internal options’s signal's abort reason.

      Note: The fact that rejection of p is tied to internal options’s signal, and not options’s signal means, that any microtasks queued during the firing of options’s signal's abort event will run before p’s rejection handler runs.

  6. Let idx be an unsigned long long, initially 0.

  7. Let observer be a new internal observer, initialized as follows:

    next steps
    1. Invoke callback with the passed in value, and idx.

      If an exception E was thrown, then reject p with E, and signal abort visitor callback controller with E.

    2. Increment idx.

    error steps

    Reject p with the passed in error.

    complete steps

    Resolve p with undefined.

  8. Subscribe to this given observer and internal options.

  9. Return p.

The every(predicate, options) method steps are:
  1. Let p a new promise.

  2. Let controller be a new AbortController.

  3. Let internal options be a new SubscribeOptions whose signal is the result of creating a dependent abort signal from the list «controller’s signal, options’s signal if non-null», using AbortSignal, and the current realm.

  4. If internal options’s signal is aborted, then:

    1. Reject p with internal options’s signal's abort reason.

    2. Return p.

  5. Add the following abort algorithm to internal options’s signal:

    1. Reject p with internal options’s signal's abort reason.

  6. Let idx be an unsigned long long, initially 0.

  7. Let observer be a new internal observer, initialized as follows:

    next steps
    1. Invoke predicate with the passed in value and idx, and let passed be the returned value.

      If an exception E was thrown, then reject p with E, and signal abort controller with E.

    2. Set idx to idx + 1.

    3. If passed is false, then resolve p with false, and signal abort controller.

    error steps

    Reject p with the passed in error.

    complete steps

    Resolve p with true.

  8. Subscribe to this given observer and internal options.

  9. Return p.

The last(options) method steps are:
  1. Let p a new promise.

  2. If options’s signal is not null:

    1. If options’s signal is aborted, then:

      1. Reject p with options’s signal's abort reason.

      2. Return p.

    2. Add the following abort algorithm to options’s signal:

      1. Reject p with options’s signal's abort reason.

  3. Let lastValue be an any-or-null, initially null.

  4. Let hasLastValue be a boolean, initially false.

  5. Let observer be a new internal observer, initialized as follows:

    next steps
    1. Set hasLastValue to true.

      1. Set lastValue to the passed in value.

    error steps

    Reject p with the passed in error.

    complete steps
    1. If hasLastValue is true, resolve p with lastValue.

      1. Otherwise, reject p with a new RangeError.

  6. Subscribe to this given observer and options.

  7. Return p.

The find(predicate, options) method steps are:
  1. Let p a new promise.

  2. Let controller be a new AbortController.

  3. Let internal options be a new SubscribeOptions whose signal is the result of creating a dependent abort signal from the list «controller’s signal, options’s signal if non-null», using AbortSignal, and the current realm.

  4. If internal options’s signal is aborted, then:

    1. Reject p with internal options’s signal's abort reason.

    2. Return p.

  5. Add the following abort algorithm to internal options’s signal:

    1. Reject p with internal options’s signal's abort reason.

  6. Let idx be an unsigned long long, initially 0.

  7. Let observer be a new internal observer, initialized as follows:

    next steps
    1. Invoke predicate with the passed in value an idx, and let passed be the returned value.

      If an exception E was thrown, then reject p with E, and signal abort controller with E.

    2. Set idx to idx + 1.

    3. If passed is true, then resolve p with value, and signal abort controller.

    error steps

    Reject p with the passed in error.

    complete steps

    Resolve p with undefined.

  8. Subscribe to this given observer and internal options.

  9. Return p.

The some(predicate, options) method steps are:
  1. Let p a new promise.

  2. Let controller be a new AbortController.

  3. Let internal options be a new SubscribeOptions whose signal is the result of creating a dependent abort signal from the list «controller’s signal, options’s signal if non-null», using AbortSignal, and the current realm.

  4. If internal options’s signal is aborted, then:

    1. Reject p with internal options’s signal's abort reason.

    2. Return p.

  5. Add the following abort algorithm to internal options’s signal:

    1. Reject p with internal options’s signal's abort reason.

  6. Let idx be an unsigned long long, initially 0.

  7. Let observer be a new internal observer, initialized as follows:

    next steps
    1. Invoke predicate with the passed in value and idx, and let passed be the returned value.

      If an exception E was thrown, then reject p with E, and signal abort controller with E.

    2. Set idx to idx + 1.

    3. If passed is true, then resolve p with true, and signal abort controller.

    error steps

    Reject p with the passed in error.

    complete steps

    Resolve p with false.

  8. Subscribe to this given observer and internal options.

  9. Return p.

The reduce(reducer, initialValue, options) method steps are:
  1. TODO: Spec this and use reducer, initialValue, and options.

3. EventTarget integration

dictionary ObservableEventListenerOptions {
  boolean capture = false;
  boolean passive;

partial interface EventTarget {
  Observable on(DOMString type, optional ObservableEventListenerOptions options = {});
The on(type, options) method steps are:
  1. If this's relevant global object is a Window object, and its associated Document is not fully active, then return.

  2. Let event target be this.

  3. Let observable be a new Observable, initialized as follows:

    subscribe callback

    An algorithm that takes a Subscriber subscriber and runs these steps:

    1. If event target is null, abort these steps.

      Note: This is meant to capture the fact that event target can be garbage collected by the time this algorithm runs upon subscription.

    2. If subscriber’s signal is aborted, abort these steps.

    3. Add an event listener with event target and an event listener defined as follows:




      The result of creating a new Web IDL EventListener instance representing a reference to a function of one argument of type Event event. This function executes the observable event listener invoke algorithm given subscriber and event.


      options’s capture


      options’s passive





      Note: The AbortSignal for event listeners added by on() is managed by the Observable itself. See subscribe() and SubscribeOptions.

  4. Return observable.

The observable event listener invoke algorithm takes a Subscriber subscriber and an Event event, and runs these steps:
  1. Run subscriber’s next() method with event.


4. Security & Privacy Considerations

This material is being upstreamed from our explainer into this specification, and in the meantime you can consult the following resources:

5. Acknowledgements

A special thanks to Ben Lesh for much of the design input for the Observable API, and his many years of work maintaining userland Observable code that made this contribution to the web platform possible.


Terms defined by this specification

Terms defined by reference


Normative References

Anne van Kesteren. DOM Standard. Living Standard. URL: https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/
ECMAScript Language Specification. URL: https://tc39.es/ecma262/multipage/
Anne van Kesteren; et al. HTML Standard. Living Standard. URL: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/
Anne van Kesteren; Domenic Denicola. Infra Standard. Living Standard. URL: https://infra.spec.whatwg.org/
Edgar Chen; Timothy Gu. Web IDL Standard. Living Standard. URL: https://webidl.spec.whatwg.org/

IDL Index

interface Subscriber {
  undefined next(any value);
  undefined error(any error);
  undefined complete();
  undefined addTeardown(VoidFunction teardown);

  // True after the Subscriber is created, up until either
  // complete()/error() are invoked, or the subscriber unsubscribes. Inside
  // complete()/error(), this attribute is true.
  readonly attribute boolean active;

  readonly attribute AbortSignal signal;

// SubscribeCallback is where the Observable "creator’s" code lives. It’s
// called when subscribe() is called, to set up a new subscription.
callback SubscribeCallback = undefined (Subscriber subscriber);
callback SubscriptionObserverCallback = undefined (any value);

dictionary SubscriptionObserver {
  SubscriptionObserverCallback next;
  SubscriptionObserverCallback error;
  VoidFunction complete;

typedef (SubscriptionObserverCallback or SubscriptionObserver) ObserverUnion;

dictionary SubscribeOptions {
  AbortSignal signal;

callback Predicate = boolean (any value, unsigned long long index);
callback Reducer = any (any accumulator, any currentValue);
callback Mapper = any (any element, unsigned long long index);
// Differs from Mapper only in return type, since this callback is exclusively
// used to visit each element in a sequence, not transform it.
callback Visitor = undefined (any element, unsigned long long index);

interface Observable {
  constructor(SubscribeCallback callback);
  undefined subscribe(optional ObserverUnion observer = {}, optional SubscribeOptions options = {});

  // Constructs a native Observable from value if it’s any of the following:
  //   - Observable
  //   - AsyncIterable
  //   - Iterable
  //   - Promise
  static Observable from(any value);

  // Observable-returning operators. See "Operators" section in the spec.
  // takeUntil() can consume promises, iterables, async iterables, and other
  // observables.
  Observable takeUntil(any notifier);
  Observable map(Mapper mapper);
  Observable filter(Predicate predicate);
  Observable take(unsigned long long amount);
  Observable drop(unsigned long long amount);
  Observable flatMap(Mapper mapper);
  Observable switchMap(Mapper mapper);
  Observable finally(VoidFunction callback);

  // Promise-returning operators.
  Promise<sequence<any>> toArray(optional SubscribeOptions options = {});
  Promise<undefined> forEach(Visitor callback, optional SubscribeOptions options = {});
  Promise<boolean> every(Predicate predicate, optional SubscribeOptions options = {});
  // Maybe? Promise<any> first(optional SubscribeOptions options = {});
  Promise<any> last(optional SubscribeOptions options = {});
  Promise<any> find(Predicate predicate, optional SubscribeOptions options = {});
  Promise<boolean> some(Predicate predicate, optional SubscribeOptions options = {});
  Promise<any> reduce(Reducer reducer, optional any initialValue, optional SubscribeOptions options = {});

dictionary ObservableEventListenerOptions {
  boolean capture = false;
  boolean passive;

partial interface EventTarget {
  Observable on(DOMString type, optional ObservableEventListenerOptions options = {});

Issues Index

We shouldn’t invoke from() directly. Rather, we should call some internal algorithm that passes-back the exceptions for us to handle properly here, since we want to pipe them to subscriber.