
Cookie Store API Explainer

This proposal has the following main goals.

While accomplishing the goals above, the proposal gained the following nice-to-have properties.

The proposal does not aim to change the cookie security model, or how cookies are handled at the network layer.

The proposal is also known as the Async Cookies API.

Use Cases

Cookies are used most often for authentication. In this case, the relevant cookies are generally called session cookies, and the state embedded in them tends to be called session state. Documents generally update the current page UI in response to changes in the session state. Service workers also need to react to session state changes, to clean up private cached data.

Cookies have also found a niche in storing user decisions to opt out of tracking by ad networks, and receive less personalized ads.

Separetly, from a conceptual angle, a service worker is intended to be an HTTP proxy for the pages under its scope. By this principle, service workers must be able to read and modify the cookies accessible to pages under their scopes.

Reacting to session state changes

While the previous samples are mostly aimed at updating a page’s UI to reflect

The following code illustrates synchronous polling via document.cookie. The code periodically induces jank, as document.cookie is a synchronous call that blocks the main thread on disk I/O, if the cookie value isn’t cached in memory, and/or on IPC, if the cookie cache does not reside in the same process as the Document execution context.

function decode_document_cookie(value) {
  // Simplified version of the code at
  const cookie_strings = value.split('; ');
  const cookies = {};
  for (const cookie_string of cookie_strings) {
    const index = cookie_string.indexOf('=');
    const name = cookie_string.substring(0, index);
    const encoded_value = cookie_string.substring(index + 1);
    cookies[name] = decodeURIComponent(encoded_value);
  return cookies;

let old_value = null;
function poll(duration_ms, cookie_name, handle_cookie_change) {
  const cookies = decode_document_cookie(document.cookie);
  const newValue = (cookie_name in cookies) ? cookies[cookie_name] : null;
  if (old_value !== new_value) {
    old_value = new_value;
  setTimeout(() => {
    poll(duration_ms, cookie_name, handle_cookie_change);
  }, duration_ms);

The following code snippet uses the Cookie Store API instead of document.cookie. The Cookie Store API doesn’t block the main thread, so this version does not introduce jank.

let old_value = null;
async function poll(duration_ms, cookie_name, handle_cookie_change) {
  while (true) {
    const cookie = await cookieStore.get(cookie_name);
    const new_value = cookie ? cookie.value : null;
    if (new_value !== old_value) {
      handle_cookie_change(cookie_name, new_value);
      old_value = new_value;
    await delayedPromise(duration_ms);

The following code snippet uses change events in the Cookie Store API. This has less overhead than asynchronous polling when the session cookies change rarely.

function poll(cookie_name, handle_cookie_change) {
  cookieStore.addEventListener('change', (event) => {
    for (const cookie of event.changed) {
      if ( === cookie_name)
    for (const cookie of event.deleted) {
      if ( === cookie_name)

Last, the following code snippet uses the service worker change events in the Cookie Store API. The change handler will be executed even if the site isn’t currently opened in a browser tab / window.

const kCookieName = 'session';

self.addEventListener('install', (event) => {
  event.waitFor(async () => {
    await cookieStore.subscribeToChanges([{ name: kCookieName }]);

self.addEventListener('cookiechange', (event) => {
  for (const cookie of event.changed) {
    if ( === kCookieName)
      handle_session_change(, cookie.value);
  for (const cookie of event.deleted) {
    if ( === kCookieName)
      handle_session_change(, null);

Opting out of tracking

The following code snippet illustrates a solution based on the synchronous document.cookie settter. This induces jank, as the setter must block the main thread until the cookie change is propagated to the network stack, because Web developers expect that the cookie change would be reflected in a fetch API call following the assignment to document.cookie.

document.getElementById('opt-out-button').addEventListener('click', () => {
  document.cookie = 'opt_out=1; Expires=Wed, 1 Jan 2025 00:00:00 GMT; Secure';
document.getElementById('opt-in-button').addEventListener('click', () => {
  // Cookies are deleted by setting their expiration dates in the past.
  document.cookie = 'opt_out=0; Expires=Thu, 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT; Secure';

The following code snippet uses the Cookie Store API instead, and does not jank the main thread.

document.getElementById('opt-out-button').addEventListener('click', () => {
  await cookieStore.set({ name: 'opt_out', value: '1',
                          expires: new Date('Wed, 1 Jan 2025 00:00:00 GMT') });
document.getElementById('opt-in-button').addEventListener('click', () => {
  await cookieStore.delete({ name: 'opt_out' });

The Query API

Both documents and service workers access the same query API, via the cookieStore property on the global object.

All methods in the query API return Promises.

try {
  const cookie = await cookieStore.get('session_id');
  if (cookie) {
    console.log(`Found ${} cookie: ${cookie.value}`);
  } else {
    console.log('Cookie not found');
} catch (e) {
  console.error(`Cookie store error: ${e}`);

Read multiple cookies

try {
  const cookies = await cookieStore.getAll({
    name: 'session_',
    matchType: 'starts-with',
  for (const cookie of cookies)
    console.log(`Result: ${} = ${cookie.value}`);
} catch (e) {
  console.error(`Cookie store error: ${e}`);

get is essentially a form of getAll that only returns the first result. In Document contexts, await cookieStore.getAll() is an equivalent of document.cookie.

In other words, get and getAll take the same arguments, which can be

Read the cookies for a specific URL

Cookies are URL-scoped, so pages

await cookieStore.getAll({url: '/admin'});

Service workers can obtain the list of cookies that would be sent by a fetch to any URL under their scope.

Documents can only obtain the cookies at their current URL. In other words, the only valid url value in Document contexts is the document’s URL.

The Modifications API

Both documents and service workers access the same modification API, via the cookieStore property on the global object.

try {
  await cookieStore.set('opted_out', '1');
} catch (e) {
  console.error(`Failed to set cookie: ${e}`);

The cookieStore.set() call above is a shorthand for the following.

await cookieStore.set({
  name: 'opted_out',
  value: '1',
  expires: null,  // session cookie

  // By default, cookies are scoped at the current domain.
  path: '/',

  // Creates secure cookies by default on secure origins.
  secure: self.location.protocol === 'https:',
  httpOnly: false,
try {
  await cookieStore.delete('session_id');
} catch (e) {
  console.error(`Failed to delete cookie: ${e}`);

The document.cookie approach of deleting a cookie by moving the cookie’s expiration date to the past still works.

try {
  await cookieStore.set('session_id', 'value will be ignored',
                        { expires: - 86400 });
} catch (e) {
  console.error(`Failed to delete cookie: ${e}`);

The objects returned by get and getAll contain all the information in the cookie store, not just the name and the value.

await cookie = cookieStore.get('session_id');
console.log(`Cookie scope - Domain: ${cookie.domain} Path: ${cookie.path}`);
if (cookie.expires === null) {
  console.log('Cookie expires at the end of the session');
} else {
  console.log(`Cookie expires at: ${cookie.expires}`);
if (
  console.log('The cookie is restricted to secure origins');

The Change Events API

This proposal includes an API for observing cookie changes, which aims to address all the use cases that currently require polling document.cookie. The API has the following steps:

  1. Express an interest in observing cookie changes
  2. Handle cookie change events

Get change events in documents

cookieStore.addEventListener('change', (event) => {
  console.log(`${event.changed.length} changed cookies`);
  for (const cookie in event.changed)
    console.log(`Cookie ${} changed to ${cookie.value}`);
  console.log(`${event.deleted.length} deleted cookies`);
  for (const cookie in event.deleted)
    console.log(`Cookie ${} deleted`);

TODO: Add JSON output for the relevant properties of the event.

The API is designed to allow browsers to batch change events, for performance reasons.

Get change events in service workers

Service workers have to subscribe for change events during the install stage, and start receiving events when activated.

self.addEventListener('install', (event) => {
  event.waitFor(async () => {
    await cookieStore.subscribeToChanges([{
      name: 'session',  // Get change events for session-related cookies.
      matchType: 'starts-with',  // Matches session_id, session-id, etc.

self.addEventListener('cookiechange', (event) => {
  // The event has |changed| and |deleted| properties with
  // the same semantics as the Document events.
  console.log(`${event.changed.length} changed cookies`);
  console.log(`${event.deleted.length} deleted cookies`);

Calls to subscribeToChanges() are cumulative, so that independently maintained modules or libraries can set up their own subscriptions. As expected, a service worker’s subscriptions are persisted for the worker’s lifetime.

Subscriptions can use the same options as cookieStore.get / cookieStore.getAll. The complexity of fine-grained subscriptions is justified by the cost of dispatching an irrelevant cookie change event to a service worker, which is is much higher than the cost of dispatching an equivalent event to a Document. Specifically, dispatching an event to a service worker might require waking up the worker, which has a significant impact on battery life.

Security Model

This proposal aims to preserve the current security model for cookies. In most situations, this principle means deferring to RFC 6265bis.

The HttpOnly flag

The modification API can be used to set HttpOnly cookies. Neither the query nor the monitoring API will include HttpOnly cookies in their results. This matches the behavior of document.cookie.

The Secure flag

The modification API defaults the secure (HTTPS-only) flag to true for secure origins. This is an intentional difference from document.cookie, which always defaults to insecure cookies.

The modification API disallows modifying (overwriting or deleting) a secure cookie from a non-secure origin, following a recent proposal.

Names and Values

The modification API refuses to write a cookie whose name is the empty string if its value contains =. This avoids an ambiguous serialization problem in some current browsers.

This proposal enforces the special cookie name prefixes __Host- and __Secure-. Specifically, the modification API rejects changes where the name contains one of the special prefixes, but the domain or secure options don’t match the values implied by the special prefix.

The modification API serializes cookie names and values using UTF-8.

The Scope (Path & Domain)

The guiding principle behind handling cookie scopes is providing equivalent capabilities to the document.cookie API. We interpret this as follows.


This proposal intentionally diverges from document.cookie in the handling of paths, for the purpose of ending up with a simpler model.

The modification API

Note that while cookies created by the modification API are guaranteed to have absolute paths that are directories, the query and change event API must still handle cookies created by HTTP headers and by the document.cookie setter.


The modification API defaults to domain-less cookies, which are bound to the current origin.

The modification API accepts any domain that matches the current origin’s eTLD+1. This deviation from the same origin policy is unintuitive, but matches the current document.cookie capabilities. This proposal does not aim to change this situation because the domain flexibility is an integral part of authentication on the Web today.

TODO: Can we restrict domain to the current origin’s subdomains and super-domains (up to eTLD+1)?


The query and change event APIs

The current document / service worker URL can only become relevant for cookies created by document.cookie or by HTTP responses.

Document contexts may only use the current document’s URL into the query API. The change events API exposed to documents does not accept URLs.

Service workers may pass any URL under their scopes into the query or change event API.

Expiration Dates

This proposal side-steps date parsing issues by only accepting timestamps (milliseconds since UNIX epoch), like the lastModified attribute in the File API.

JavaScript Date objects will be automatically converted to timestamps thanks to implicit conversions.


Tutorials on this feature might want to cover the following topics.

Data Races

Cookie store operations are guaranteed to have completed when their promises are resolved. Failure to await the results can lead to the following races.

Write Race


await cookieStore.set('cookie-name', 'old');
cookieStore.set('cookie-name', 'new');  // Missing "await".
// The cookieStore.set and the fetch operations are racing.
// The beacon may include cookie-name=old or cookie-name=new.


await cookieStore.set('cookie-name', 'old');
await cookieStore.set('cookie-name', 'new');
// The beacon is guaranteed to include cookie-name=new.

Read Race


await cookieStore.delete('session-id');
fetch('/auth');  // The response inclues the HTTP header Cookie: session-id=new.
const cookie = await cookieStore.get('session-id');
// The fetch response processing and the cookieStore.get operations are racing.
// |cookie| may be null or a dictionary including {name: "session-id"}.


await cookieStore.delete('session-id');
const response = await fetch('/auth');
const cookie = await cookieStore.get('session-id');
// |cookie| is guaranteed to be a dictionary including {name: "session-id"}.

A reasonable usage pattern for this API is obtaining a baseline snapshot of the cookie store via the query API and using the change event API to keep the snapshot in sync with the browser. This is more difficult than it might appear.

TODO: Write up a recommended pattern for this use case or remove it.

Error Handling

The APIs in this proposal signal errors by rejecting their promises. In most situations, this outcome is better than the silent failures in the document.cookie setter, and than the empty string results in the corresponding getter.

However, the APIs will also reject their promises due to implementation-specific limitations, such as overly long cookie names or values, expiration dates too far in the future, permissions denied by the user, or internal errors. These limitations are not consistent across browsers, so developers must have the foresight to handle errors they might not experience while building their sites.

RFC 6265bis explains HTTP cookies. Cookies were implemented independently in separate HTTP stacks without a comprehensive testing suite, leading to visible cross-browser incompatibilities. The RFC explains many of these incompatibilities and lays out a path for a new implementation to maximize its interoperability with the existing software landscape.

document.cookie implements synchronous access to the list of cookies associated with the document’s URL. document.cookie deviates from the cookies RFC. The synchronous model is non-trivial to implement in modern browsers.

navigator.cookieEnabled aims to predict whether setting a cookie will succeed or not.

cookie change events is a concurrently developed API proposal that also addresses the synchronous nature of document.cookie.

inikulin/cookie-compat is a test suite that highlights differences between RFC 6265bis and the way current browsers handle cookies.

The Google+ API is a prominent library that identifies cookies based on a name prefix, and therefore needs the matchType: 'starts-with' option in the query API.

The chrome.cookies API (and the WebExtensions adaptation of the API) provides very similar functionality for trusted code added to browsers, but is not restricted by the same-origin policy.