1. Introduction
This specification describes a content embedding API that satisfies some
critical use cases for IWAs that iframe
does not support. This embedding
environment should allow embedding all content without express permission from
the embedded site, including content which iframe
cannot embed, and provide
embedding sites more control over that embedded content.
Since this is a particularly powerful API, its use and availability makes an app a target of various types of hacking. As a result, this API is limited to use in Isolated Web Applications (IWAs) which have addtional safeguards in place to protect users and developers. IWAs are not a normal web application and can exist only at a special 'isolated-app:' scheme. This means by design that this API will not be available to normal web pages.
Note: This API is not intended to be a replacement or substitute for iframe
All iframe
use cases are still valid and should continue to use iframe
including IWAs where possible.
2. Usage Overview
Lorem ipsum. Insert basic info and example here.
3. Motivating Applications
This section is non-normative.
3.1. Latency-sensitive applications in virtualized sessions
In virtualized environments, users typically have a local thin client that renders a full virtual desktop. The actual desktop execution environment will be running on a remote virtualization server. If the user’s browser navigates to a latency-sensitive application (such as a video app), the rendered content will have additional latency ("lag") that makes the experience difficult or impossible for the user. This also applies for applications that record the user, such as video conferencing applications. In these latency-sensitive applications, the virtual desktop application can render the latency-sensitive content locally and overlay it on top of the rendered remote content to reduce this latency. This use case is also known as "browser content redirection."
3.2. Embedding third party web content without restriction
In a kiosk environment, applications must load content from third parties and
display that content on screens within their applications. A teacher may trigger
the navigation event, or it may be configured by an administrator such as a
shopping mall manager. The content may prohibit embedding by iframe
the use of X-Frame-Options and CSP. An controlled frame, however, should be able
to load all content, even content that prohibits embedding by iframe
3.3. Remote display and manipulation of web content
In a kiosk environment, applications must ensure that content continues to display on screens and may need to interrupt content with their own supplied behaviors. This behavior should work without local attendance by an administrator, and ideally can be managed remotely over the network. If content were to crash, for example, these applications should observe and respond to the crash by reloading the content in a fresh embedded view.
3.4. Clearing user content after each session
In some environments, someone only uses a single device for a brief time to complete their task, like ordering in a restaurant. When their task is complete, the embedder application should be able to clear all of the local user data associated with the task and then restart the embedded instance.
3.5. Monitor for idle sessions
While users interact with embedded content, the user may not explicitly end their session. This content may assume the user is present when they have actually finished or departed without completing the task. Embedder applications want to detect when users idle over their case’s threshold and begin a fresh session.
3.6. Arbitrarily blocking navigations
While displaying embedded web content that’s not authored by the embedder, pages may link to third party web content that’s disallowed. Allowing the embedder to edit elements in embedded content through arbitrary script injection into the web content can ensure navigation cannot occur to blocked pages. The embedder can also use the Controlled Frame API to capture navigation events and ensure that only pages to approved sites can be loaded within that controlled frame.
4. Security, Privacy, and Accessibility Considerations
This section is non-normative.
4.1. Security
Controlled Frame is based upon [Isolated-Web-Apps] (IWA) and integrates with core security specs
Since Controlled Frame is a particularly powerful API, using it or even having it available makes an app a target of various types of hacking. As a result, this API is limited to use in IWA which have additional safeguards in place to protect application developers and users. The Isolated Web App explainer has this to say:
"A user agent may also force an application to adopt this threat model if the developer needs access to APIs which would make the application an appealing target for XSS or server-side attacks."
Controlled Frame makes just such an appealing target, and to expose this with caution we’re opting into IWA to guard against certain attacks. Generally, IWAs provide strong security assurances that each of the resources in an application are secure both at rest and in-transit. You can read more about IWAs security and permissions in the IWA explainer and the IWAs [High-Watermark-Permissions] explainer.
Controlled Frame integrates with [Permissions-Policy] and [Permissions]. You can read more about Permissions Policy § 12. Privacy and Security and Permissions § E Security considerations (note the entry is currently sparse).
Attacking web sites could display content that doesn’t otherwise allow itself to be embedded and trick users on non-IWAs.
Planned mitigation:
Controlled Frame will only be available within IWAs
An IWA may embed another IWA (or itself) via Controlled Frame to manipulate our IWA policies somehow (e.g. an Controlled Frame embedded IWA may detect it’s being embedded due to the absence of the "controlledframe" policy-controlled feature).
Planned mitigation:
Controlled Frame can only point to "https" schemes, excluding the "isolated-app" scheme used for IWAs
Controlled Frame could gain access to the powerful <controlledframe> element.
An IWA that’s not expected to use Controlled Frame may attempt to embed content.
Planned mitigation:
Only embedder applications and their same-origin IWA child navigables that have been granted the "controlledframe" policy-controlled feature will be allowed access to the Controlled Frame element.
Same-origin child navigables without the "controlledframe" policy-controlled feature will not be allowed to use a Controlled Frame element (to be confirmed, see note below)
Cross-origin iframes to IWAs can use the "allow" attribute to disable Controlled Frame
Cross-origin iframes to non-IWAs will not have access to the "controlledframe" policy-controlled feature, and so will not be allowed to use a Controlled Frame element
See the "Embedder Policies Using the "controlledframe" Feature" section above for more details
An IWA may attempt to embed content from non-https schemes, such as 'http:' or 'isolated-app:'
Planned mitigation:
Controlled Frame will only work when the navigable’s "src" URL has an 'https:' scheme
Malicious Controlled Frame could access the embedder’s running process (eg. Spectre attack)
Planned mitigation:
Controlled Frame will be executed in a separate process from the embedder’s process
Controlled Frame for a given "https origin" could interact or interfere with the user’s own storage user agent data for that https origin
Planned mitigation:
Controlled Frame will always store data in a separate storage user agent that’s apart from the default storage user agent
Data written to by a given "https origin" while the user accesses that origin via an IWA Controlled Frame will be isolated from the user’s storage user agent that backs "normal" window and tab usage, and vice versa
Malicious Controlled Frame could overwrite embedder’s stored data
The embedder and embedded storage user agent could overlap, and possibly multiple same-site IWA child navigables could be affected by activity in the Controlled Frame
if storage user agents were shared between the embedder and embedded sites, clearing data for either one could negatively impact the other
Planned mitigation:
IWA and Controlled Frame will always have separate storage user agents
A Controlled Frame should not have read or write access to other storage user agents besides its own
Malicious Controlled Frame may detect it is embedded and attempt to attack the embedder application
Planned mitigation:
The user agent will match the browser.
The Controlled Frame storage user agent will be separate from the IWA and the default storage user agents.
The Controlled Frame process will be separate from the IWA and the default renderer and browser processes.
The Controlled Frame environment will appear to be the top-most navigable:
window should match window.parent and window.top
List of policy-controlled features and their disable/enable status should match the default for a navigable
Investigate for potential interactions around filesystem, quota storage, and localStorage APIs
User may not be able to verify the origin of the page being viewed in the Controlled Frame
Expose the origin to the user somehow, such as adding UI at the top of a Controlled Frame that displays the origin?
Have the IWA specify in the manifest the origins that they expect to access?
Controlled Frame may exploit vulnerabilities in out-of-date browser engine
Already addressed with:
Existing browser engine auto-update mechanisms
4.2. Privacy
Controlled Frame integrates with Permissions Policy and Permissions. You can read more about Permissions Policy § 12. Privacy and Security. You can read more about Permissions § E Security considerations.
For Controlled Frame specifically, we’ve identified the following privacy considerations:
Users' browsing within Controlled Frame will be visible to the IWA
IWAs can access and exfiltrate the Controlled Frame’s session cookies (this only applies to the Controlled Frame’s session since they use a separate storage partition from the IWA and the third party origin when browsed in a tab)
User activity in Controlled Frame can be observed by the IWA (e.g. keyboard events can be monitored, password entry can be sniffed)
User file upload to Controlled Frame can be hijacked
User data held in the Controlled Frame’s remote server could be accessed by code implanted by the IWA
Users that wish to clear their session history must also do so via the IWA, which will then need to clear the associated storage user agents
This would be necessary since embedded storage user agents are separate from the non-embedded storage user agents for any given https origin
We plan to investigate browser UX to allow users to clear the Controlled Frame storage user agents, the following cases will be considered:
If a user wants to clear site data for an IWA, the associated embedded storage user agents will also be cleared
This is because if the IWA's data is cleared, the app will no longer have any context for the associated embedded storage user agents and therefore will no longer be used or useful to the user or organization
As a result, we expect that clearing an IWA's site data will require clearing all of the associated embedded storage user agents
A user may want to clear all site data for a given "https origin", even if that origin is stored within an IWA's embedded storage user agent
We may choose to provide the ability to clear all IWA site data for that "https origin" even if that site data is held within an embedded storage user agent
If we chose to clear the "https origin" data, IWAs would need to prepare for the possibility that embedded storage user agents may be removed outside of their control, and this may be disruptive to the IWA and introduce complexity of implementation
Supporting this in the browser user agent exposes browser vendors, developers, and users to additional complexity, so we may choose not to support this approach and instead leave this up to IWA developers to implement
As a counter example to supporting clearing a single given "https origin"'s embedded storage user agent, consider that to our knowledge no operating system behaves that way
i.e. there’s no central "clear browsing data" option which clears storage for all installed browser engines, each application’s storage is treated as its own to manage
User wants to clear the site data for a given IWA's Controlled Frame-embedded storage user agent for a given "https origin"
User wants to clear the site data for a given IWA's Controlled Frame-embedded storage user agents for all "https origins"
An IWA will need the ability to clear the storage user agent’s Controlled Frame-embedded storage user agent for a given "https origin"
4.3. Accessibility
For Controlled Frame, we’ve identified the following accessibility considerations:
Browser user agents' accessibility tools and APIs should have visibility into Controlled Frame
IWAs should expect to provide their own accessibility tools for Controlled Frame content in order to properly integrate accessibility features for some use cases (such as "browser content redirection")
5. Concepts
6. API
6.1. Controlled Frame HTML Element
[Exposed =Window ,SecureContext ]interface :
ControlledFrame HTMLElement { [HTMLConstructor ](); [
constructor CEReactions ]attribute USVString ; [
src CEReactions ]attribute DOMString ; [
name CEReactions ]attribute boolean ; [
allowfullscreen CEReactions ]attribute boolean ; [
allowscaling CEReactions ]attribute boolean ; [
allowtransparency CEReactions ]attribute boolean ; [
autosize CEReactions ]attribute DOMString ; [
maxheight CEReactions ]attribute DOMString ; [
maxwidth CEReactions ]attribute DOMString ; [
minheight CEReactions ]attribute DOMString ;
minwidth attribute DOMString ;
partition readonly attribute WindowProxy ?;
contentWindow readonly attribute ContextMenus ; // Navigation methods.
contextMenus Promise <undefined >();
back boolean ();
canGoBack boolean ();
canGoForward Promise <undefined >();
forward Promise <undefined >(
go long );
relativeIndex undefined ();
reload undefined (); // Scripting methods.
stop undefined (
addContentScripts sequence <ContentScriptDetails >);
contentScriptList Promise <any >(
executeScript optional InjectDetails = {});
details Promise <undefined >(
insertCSS optional InjectDetails = {});
details undefined (
removeContentScripts sequence <DOMString >?); // Configuration methods.
scriptNameList Promise <undefined >(
clearData optional ClearDataOptions = {},
options optional ClearDataTypeSet = {});
types Promise <boolean >();
getAudioState Promise <long >();
getZoom Promise <boolean >();
isAudioMuted undefined (
setAudioMuted boolean );
mute Promise <undefined >(
setZoom long ); // Capture methods.
zoomFactor undefined ();
captureVisibleRegion undefined (); };
If the "controlled-frame" feature is enabled for an IWA in its manifest, each IWA frame will have access to a ControlledFrame element.
6.2. Navigation methods
Reloads the current page.
Goes back or forward relativeIndex number of steps in the overall session history entries list for the current traversable navigable.
A zero relative index will reload the current page.
If the relative index is out of range, does nothing.
Goes back one step in the overall session history entries list for the traversable navigable in the Controlled Frame.
If there is no previous page, does nothing.
Goes forward one step in the overall session history entries list for the traversable navigable in the Controlled Frame.
If there is no next page, does nothing.
Returns true if the current current session history entry is not the first one in the navigation history entry list. This means that there is a previous session history entry for this navigable.
Reloads the current page.
Cancels the document load.
6.3. Scripting methods
// One of |code| or |file| must be specified but not both.dictionary {
InjectDetails DOMString ;
code DOMString ; };
file dictionary {
InjectionItems DOMString ;
code sequence <DOMString >; };
files enum {
RunAt ,
"document_start" ,
"document_end" , };
"document_idle" dictionary {
ContentScriptDetails boolean ;
all_frames InjectionItems ;
css sequence <DOMString >;
exclude_globs sequence <DOMString >;
exclude_matches sequence <DOMString >;
include_globs InjectionItems ;
js boolean ;
match_about_blank required sequence <DOMString >;
matches required DOMString ;
name RunAt ; };
6.4. Configuration methods
dictionary {
ClearDataOptions long ; };
since dictionary {
ClearDataTypeSet boolean ;
appcache boolean ;
cache boolean ;
cookies boolean ;
fileSystems boolean ;
indexedDB boolean ;
localStorage boolean ;
persistentCookies boolean ;
sessionCookies boolean ; };
6.5. Capture methods
6.6. Event listener API
7. Controlled Frame API
enum {
ContextType ,
"all" ,
"page" ,
"frame" ,
"selection" ,
"link" ,
"editable" ,
"image" ,
"video" , };
"audio" enum {
ItemType ,
"normal" ,
"checkbox" ,
"radio" , };
"separator" dictionary {
OnClickData boolean ;
checked required boolean ;
editable long ;
frameId USVString ;
frameUrl USVString ;
linkUrl DOMString ;
mediaType required (DOMString or long );
menuItemId USVString ; (
pageUrl DOMString or long );
parentMenuId DOMString ;
selectionText USVString ;
srcUrl boolean ; };
wasChecked callback =
ContextMenusEventListener undefined (OnClickData );
data dictionary {
ContextMenusProperties boolean ;
checked sequence <ContextType >;
context DOMString ;
documentUrlPatterns boolean ;
enabled DOMString ;
parentId DOMString ;
targetUrlPatterns DOMString ;
title ItemType ;
type ContextMenusEventListener ; };
onclick dictionary :
ContextMenusCreateProperties ContextMenusProperties {DOMString ; };
id callback =
ContextMenusCallback undefined (); [Exposed =Window ,SecureContext ]interface { // TODO: Define the `onShow` property. // Returns the ID of the newly created menu item. (
ContextMenus DOMString or long )(
create ContextMenusCreateProperties ,
properties ContextMenusCallback ?);
callback undefined ( (
remove DOMString or long ),
menuItemId ContextMenusCallback ?);
callback undefined (
removeAll ContextMenusCallback ?);
callback undefined ( (
update DOMString or long ),
id ContextMenusProperties ,
properties ContextMenusCallback ?); };
8. Acknowledgements
The following people contributed to the development of this document.